Shared Topic: What Reminds You of Home

kalimdortreesOr more specifically, what in WoW reminds you of home. Syrco of Syrco Owl came up with a great shared topic idea.

Have you ever felt like something in WoW reminds you of where you live or where you’re from?

Like a zone or area which looks like where you grew up, where you spent your holidays or simply reminds you of your country?

My first moments in WoW were experienced in Teldrassil. If you look up, that’s what you’ll see. A canopy of trees.

treesbackyardIf you stand in my backyard and look up … yep … it’s almost the same. I can’t speak for all of Virginia, but where I live, you travel on winding roads through trees with only occasional glimpses of sky. A horizon is something you see in the movies. A horizon would probably scare the crap out of me.

tedshedA Night Elf cottage in Teldrassil.

backyardshedA Night Elf cottage in my backyard. What?? Okay, so maybe it’s the shed but come on, one could have moved in there. It looks like they’d feel at home there.

It’s probably why I immediately felt at home in WoW. I loved Darkshore and Ashenvale and before that stupid Deathwing tore it all up I would make the trek to Kalimdor to level no matter where the character was born.

Now I’m going to check that shed for a sign of Elf. It could work both ways you know. Stands to reason, if I feel comfortable there, they’d feel comfortable here. Doesn’t hurt to check.

14 Responses to “Shared Topic: What Reminds You of Home”

  1. There are so many places in the game that remind of places I’ve visited in RL – Jade Forest – Thailand, Teldrassil – Got to be the Carolinas, Gadgestan and the surrounding areas – Iran, Iraq & Pakistan – so many places bring back memories of places that I have been. 😀

  2. I would be pretty happy hanging out in your backyard. My soon-to-be backyard has two huge trees in it! I must admit, for me that was one of the selling points of the house. ^.^

    • The trees were a major selling point when we bought it, the whole neighborhood is heavily treed. We’ve had a few that had to be taken down and we acted like family died, lol.

  3. Hmmm…I’d have to say Winterspring if it was flat with no vegetation since we get 10 months of winter 😛

    • Winterspring is one of my favorite zones. I think it’s because I can enjoy the beauty of snow without the whole cold thing. I think I’m the only person I know who enjoys humid heat, lol. I don’t think I could make it through 10 months of winter, I’m a sissy.

  4. […] in Skywall My home away from home…in WoW by Katherine of 4 Druids and a Death Knight Shared Topic: What Reminds You of Home by Tome of the […]

  5. The Trees! does always remind me of that too! but more likely its the beaches is what reminds me of home… I will share mine soon! =) I had previously made a topic of this back 2-3 yrs ago i think. i will scan my shared topics LOL! maybe ill just repost it nice pics tome!

  6. I’m just about to enter Borean Tundra for the first time. While the summer festival was on, Kidlet took me on a quick tour of Northrend and OMG! Borean Tundra had me flashing back to my time spent in the sub-arctic and the Arctic. Well, except for the penguins of course! I’m looking forward to questing through there.

    • Oh! I envy you getting to see it for the very first time, and Storm Peaks and Grizzly Hills! I know you’ll enjoy it, maybe I should take a visit with my Hunter and look for that elusive bear.

  7. I would have to say definitely Winterspring. I love the winter here at home, and can sometimes lose my car to the snow drifts. The strange silence right after a snowfall brings me right to Winterspring and back.

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