IntPiPoMo — Forty of Fifty


Angelya of Revive & Rejuvenate’s IntPiPoMo. She writes:

Y’see, a picture is worth a thousand words.  The NaNoWriMo word target is fifty thousand. That means our IntPiPoMo target is fifty pictures, over the thirty days of November.

Going through Wrath screen shots sort of brings back the thrill of stepping off the ship in Howling Fjord for the first time. And Storm Peaks, how I loved that place. I wasn’t surprised to get to K3 and find goblins. They always seem to stake out the most beautiful locations.

15 Responses to “IntPiPoMo — Forty of Fifty”

  1. Oh, I love the ones of Crystalsong Forest. It’s a shame that zone ended up being used so little, because it’s beautiful.

    • It has such a spooky, ethereal beauty and I’m mesmerized by the trees. I should have thought to Frap a tree swaying. I use my old Band of the Kirin Tor occasionally to visit, so I’m finally getting my money’s worth out of it, lol!

  2. I love the shot above Dalaran! Love that city.

  3. Oh that Kraken one is cool. Never seen it from that angle before, always too busy trying to harpoon the thing!

  4. I’ll never forget the first time I saw the trees in Crystalsong Forest, mesmerizing, magical. It is a shame they didn’t do more in the way of questing in that zone.
    Beutiful shots Ancient, very enjoyable.

  5. I always loved Dalaran! it is just one of the beatiful cities in World of Warcraft! Also the Crystalsong Forest the purple trees are amazing! Great shots ancient! Loved it! =)

    • I know, I so loved Dalaran too. I really miss hanging out with the opposing faction. Used to run around /hugging Horde friends who had faction changed. I couldn’t talk to them but at least I got to see them.

  6. Wonderful – it’s not the subject matter, but the perspective of the artist!

  7. Ooops – posted wrong link. Gave you a big time BRAVA on my blog!

  8. Should have included the commands in case anyone wanted them.

    For lossless compression rather than jpeg

    /console screenshotFormat TGA

    For better quality but larger file size

    /console screenshotQuality 10

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