Death of a Character

Yes, our characters all die, some more than others but in Azeroth death has no lasting effect other than a huge repair bill on occasion. But there’s the other death, the eternal sleep of DELETE. I’ve deleted lots of characters in the past. I don’t get all weepy when deleting a level 8 or 10, I don’t give it much thought. Yesterday I deleted a level 77 priest and I was surprised at how bad I felt. She was born because I wanted an enchanter, that was her sole job. She leveled up in clothes she tailored, nothing fancy, and at 77 she had only died 7 times. She was a tough shadow priest but I never warmed up to her, I just never had much fun playing her, I guess I’m not a priestly sort. R.I.P. little priest.

The reason she finally had to go was that I wanted to once again try a pally. Paladins are a class that I’ve tried before and they always get deleted around level 8 or 10, same with warriors but I thought I’d have another go at it and I wanted her on Fenris, so somebody had to be … terminated.

So my priest’s twin sister was born, a paladin, holiness seems to run in their family. She really is a clone of my priest as far as looks go and I wanted another dwarf which got me wondering about my race preference and what caused it. I was surprised when I realized it was based as much on sound as looks.

Your character does a lot of talking to you, especially when you do something wrong. Try to equip the wrong weapon, you’ll be told about it. Macros are great for getting a lot of chatter from your character if you don’t suppress errors.

I like my dranei’s accent a lot, my humans are just kind of vanilla, not bad not great. I love my night elves voices, very calm and polite. I jump every time my male worgen speaks, I can’t seem to get into being a male. Goblins I’m fine with but I remember when blood elves and dranei first became available I rolled one of each. I still have my dranei shaman but the blood elf didn’t last past level 6 and I’ve never made another … well, another female blood elf. She was always yelling at me, in fairness to her I guess I was doing a lot wrong but still she was kind of mean about it.

So here’s my new paladin with the lovely voice. I notice that in every screen shot I took of her she’s in the vicinity of a flask, mug, or bottle of some kind of alcoholic beverage, hmmm, dwarf first I guess and holy second. I have high hopes for her, I thing we’re very similar. If you notice she closed her eyes right when I took the picture, just like me. I have a mountain of photos with me looking drunk with closed or half open eyes that I keep meaning to destroy.

I need to read up on paladins, I send her heirlooms with strength and stamina. Don’t know if that’s appropriate. She’s going to level ret so would that be correct, or have I just made her look like a little noob dwarf, I hope not, I don’t want to embarrass her.

And why did she have to be on Fenris, I know, what’s that about. I have never leveled another character to 85 on another server except for Ironsally. I have many characters scattered all over the place but to make it to 85 it seems they must live on Fenris. I wonder what my server loyalty is all about. I don’t know if it’s because it was my first server or because we’re about the same WoW age. According to Fenris went online November 6th, 2006 and I installed WoW and logged into Fenris for the first time November, 18th, 2006.

She’s reached level 8 now and I’m going to log in and repeatedly try to equip a shield just to hear her tell me, “I need both hands for me weapon.”

6 Responses to “Death of a Character”

  1. You have picked the right heirlooms. 🙂

    Good luck little Dwarven Paladin. Good health, long life!

    • Thank you Psynister, whew, I’m glad I picked correctly. I know I should read more about paladins before barging out into the world but I’ve been having too much fun to stop and read.

      I guess I’ll be forced to stop and read up as soon as she gets to level 10 and I have to pick a talent point but for now I’m throwing caution to the wind!

  2. I’m a hoarder in real life, so I can’t bear to delete any of my characters even though I know my chance of ever playing the majority of them again is slim. I’ve tried – I’ve got as far as the delete screen and just can’t go any further – lol

    • As long as they’re under level 20 or so I don’t really mind but after that, ouch, it hurts. I deleted a 72 rogue but after she had spent all that time pick pocking for junk boxes I knew I just didn’t want to play her again.

      Lol, you and my husband! He decides to clean out the basement and when I go down to see how it’s coming he’s standing there with nothing in the “get rid of pile” because we might need this or this is still good. So we continue to refer to the basement as the abyss!

      I’ve been checking, yay, go Nerfiron!

  3. “Eternal sleep.” I can’t recall how many have found their way to this realm, there is just so much to do and try. And try again. And again. /sigh

    I haven’t really experienced any sadness in doing so though, for the majority never even saw level 15. The very few over that were simple bank alts which got replaced with a more interesting bank alt, if that makes any sense.

    I’m looking forward to hearing how your new pally gets along, so wish you well and happy gaming.

    • Hi Sol!

      Yes, replacing a bank alt with a more interesting one makes perfect sense to me!

      The pally is level 12 now and should move on but I wanted to do all the quests in the area as they’re new to me so everything is too easy. Things should get more interesting when she moves on. Right now it’s just one bonk on the head and whatever it is dies 🙂 unless that’s typical for pallys!

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