Blog Azeroth Thanksgiving Event 2012

It’s once again time to celebrate all we are thankful for. Blog Azeroth Thanksgiving Event 2012 is here! Last year’s event was responsible for my Twitter account and finding many new blogs to read, so I’ve been thankful for that all year. So, what to do to say thank you.

Since I’m thankful for everyone who stops by, I’m thankful to all the blogs that I read, many know who they are and many don’t as I’m still a lurker when on my iPad. How to thank them all?

A PARTY! That’s it! I sent Cat off for supplies. She didn’t seem familiar with the COOKED turkey concept but she did remember to get many, many, umbrella drinks so it should work out okay.

I would just like to say that I didn’t set out to do a Blog Azeroth porn video, honest. It appears the new Model Viewer has some issues with transmogrification, if it’s not transmogged it isn’t there. So all those bloggers unwise kind enough to leave me a trail to their character had them wrenched kicking and screaming out of Azeroth in their underwear, sorry, happened to Cat too.

Cat picked the venue, up on top of the Gate of the Setting Sun. There is a small mantid problem but nothing we can’t handle with boiling oil.

So the party’s started and we’re waiting for you! It’s going to be great! All are welcome! Get over there!

For those who don’t speak turkey he’s saying, “Thank you all you wonderful bloggers, readers, commenters, Blog Azeroth and Amerence!” Or it could be thank you for not cooking me, I’m not sure. My turkey’s a little rusty.

I’m not sure what Cat put in the drinks. Is that Navi? OMG! Look at her go! And it looks like Matty is giving the Azerothian finger to someone, I hope it’s not me, but then I did drag her off in her undies. And look at Tum, such a gentleman, fully dressed. And there’s … maybe I should be quiet now. Maybe people don’t appreciate being revealed dancing around in their underwear.

WHAT? So, what of it. Yes, I speak turkey. Should that really come as a surprise?

24 Responses to “Blog Azeroth Thanksgiving Event 2012”

  1. Oh my, where are my pants! I forgot to shave my legs again. It is such a pleasure having friends like you 🙂

    • Thank you Navi! I know! Cat realized she hadn’t shaved her’s either half way through and kind of stopped dancing and just stood there in shame, lol! Anyway, you were spinning so fast I’m sure no one noticed.

  2. As always! and As creative! Thanks for joining in this year’s Blog Azeroth Thanksgiving event hon. I appreciate all of you for putting such an effort either videos, art work and even the kindness and inspirational thoughts of words to thank everyone. So I thank you for joining again this year. Take care hon. =)

    • oh and don’t forget to post this link up in Blog Azeroth. =) Thanks hon! Happy Thanksgiving!

      • For some reason my previous post was not posted. Anyway, Thank you for joining in this year’s Blog Azeroth Thanksgiving event. As always you are so creative in so many ways. I always enjoy your art work here and your great topcis to read about. Yes, I was the one who encourage you to join twitter bec of this event haha! and many others. But Im glad you did so Thank you again for joining. and Have a wonderful Thanksgiving to you and your whole family. Gobble gobble!!! ❤

      • Thanks Amerpriest and also for the reminder cause I did forget!

  3. Awesome. Not only did it get my office dancing but it put a smile on my face after a fairly horrible day.

  4. Now you know what it takes to make me speechless. Is this on a Jumbotron? A blimp? My response… Gasping for breath…this is efffing awesome…

  5. I quite simply love this! 🙂

  6. What a funny video, some instantly recognisable faces too. Good to see both Horde and Alliance can come together for an event such as this.

  7. OMG ❤ that video! I love watching Napoleon Dynamite dance in the movie, but for a Belf Male it's just wrong! I must say that this Thanksgiving I'm very much thankful for all of the wonderful people in the WoW community that I've come to know and adore. From players, to podcasters, to bloggers, it's such a fun bunch! You're on that list and I hope you know it 😛

  8. OMG OMG! Tome, that warlock in the video looks awfully familiar? Either that or they have a great sense of good Tmog fashion! Ha!

    • Thank you! Yes, I must admit that my Warlock Sasche told Cat to make sure Amijade was there as she so much admires her fashion sense. And you can see she was one of the few who wasn’t ripped out of her world in her underwear. I mean she’s a Warlock, who would dare!

  9. I should have come and said thank you quite some time ago, as I saw the post and loved it (even if the song isn’t for me in the slightest). I’m actually surprised Tum kept his clothes on.

    • Yes, the dedicated moggers came through intact in model viewer so Tum kept his dignity, lol. Strangely, I love that song, I don’t know how many times I’ve watched his video, cracks me up!

  10. I can’t believe I missed this post! It made me lol. 🙂 hahaha it looks like some of us have had a bit too much to drink!

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