On the Road Again

Posted in General WoW on January 29, 2024 by tomeoftheancient

Cat and I have been so excited waiting for the patch. The Outland Cup! I love any excuse to visit earlier expansions and check out my old hangouts. I did the course once as soon as it was available and planned on coming back but, nope.

And Bel’Ameth! Cat was dying to see the Elves new home. Yes, it’s lovely and um, we’ll be going back. Sometime soon, really Cat.

Follower Dungeons! I was so excited! Finally, just what I wanted. I have been dying to see these dungeon and stories without the drama. At the end of the day I don’t sit down and think, oh boy! I’m so ready to hear some jerk yelling YOU ASSHOLES at everyone. Yeah, no. Putting up with the people who pull every group in the instance I can put up with. As long as they do it politely. So unless there is some reason I have to do one I stay out.

Those follower dungeon guys were great! So polite, didn’t pull all the bad guy gangs at once it was so great!

There is so much to do and I was having fun doing it but then something happened. I was logging in and saw an old character. I thought wow, I should play her. She’s a Retribution Pally who I just abandoned around level 40. I got her out and eh, surprise, I had no idea how to play her. That’s the second Pally I’ve abandoned. This won’t stand! I will start fresh!

So there’s my new Dwarf Ret Paladin. This time it seems to be working because damn, that girl can do anything! With Cat being Feral we can just sneak through gobs of bad guys stealthed until we reach the correct bad guy. Cat’s a pacifist. Doesn’t believe in killing anyone she doesn’t have to.

But this is wild! Seana doesn’t even have to stop and think about the moral quandary presented by killing mobs of possibly innocent Murlocs. I’m going um, Seana, Seana? Don’t you think we should. Oh.

I always thought Paladins were filled with the light and would make every effort to only kill truly bad guys. Nope, not Seana. I think she thought I was joking the first time I suggested we at least leave the bad guys who were no where near us and no threat to … oh. She got them too.

It is so fun. I don’t know why the others didn’t appeal to me but Seana does, she’s fun.

Okay, needless to say Cat and the others are a little annoyed. They had plans. They tried to be patient but I keep logging in and playing Seana for three hours without so much as a visit to them cause I don’t want to get attitude.

Hopefully this will pass. I will calm down for the others sake and meet up with them. I surely hope I don’t do one long shot to 70 with Seana. Jeeezzz, they’d never speak to me again.

Who knew she’s be so fun. I’ll straighten out soon. Really. Cat I promise! No lie!

I Know, I Know. I Have Some Nerve.

Posted in General WoW on August 3, 2023 by tomeoftheancient

I’ve been gone forever contributing nothing of value. There is a reason, I just hate to bitch and moan. So I keep quiet. I kept my mouth shut about them ruining professions which I really like although I never really used anything I made. If I have to haggle directly with people, (it sounded that way to me) forget it.

There are many other things I find awful but instead, ISN’T DRAGON FLYING TOO WONDERFUL! No, I’m not being sarcastic I really like it. So that’s something.

But, seriously WHAT IS THIS! WHO IS SCREWING WITH MY WARDROBE! SSSSTTTTTTAAAAPPPPP! It’s really the last straw! Where in the the BADLANDS is her robe? If you mouse over the robe on the character display it says the robe is transmogged to the correct one. Is this kind of funny business happening to anyone else? Where did I go wrong?

This is so upsetting, Sasche is going to go soaring on her new dragon to calm down, sheeeeeeeesh!

Staying Alive, Staying Alive

Posted in General WoW on May 10, 2023 by tomeoftheancient

Okay, you got me. She’s not really dead. Um, it’s a reenactment. That’s it. Yeah. Dragonflight is lovely. Cat loves soaring around, me too. My only problem is she’s spent most of her time dead. I don’t think she has been dead this often in any other expansion, ever. What’s up? Is she getting too old for all this snarly fighty fighting?

I think I’m going slower too. All those alts waiting to get started and Cat and Cim the Warlock are the only 70s. Nobody else has stepped a foot in it. And Cim has to fight to get Cat to give her a turn, sheesh.

My only complaint is the crafting system. Ugh. Maybe if I took time to read up more it would make sense. Outside of cooking I never really make anything for Cat to wear but I enjoy getting everyone leveled up. Grinding leather is kind of enjoyable somedays. Kind of like meditation. Yeah. Profession meditation but this whole deal directly with people thing is a no. I just want to post stuff on the auction house. Imagine my horror when I made something to sell without paying attention and found I’d just made a VERY expensive one point gain in leathercrafting because it was soulbound.

I don’t know, Cim is just starting, maybe enchantment won’t be as bad. I find that by the time I have the renown with a faction to buy a pattern I don’t need it, can’t sell it, and can’t even get a 1 point level out of it. I’m determined to get leathercrafting leveled if it kills me. I honestly don’t know why.

Cooking and fishing seemed to take no time and I do use the food so I shouldn’t complain.

Just wanted to say hi to anyone still out there and you know. Complain. But seriously the soaring around makes up for about any complaints!

Finally, I Have Arrived

Posted in Dragonflight, General WoW on November 18, 2022 by tomeoftheancient

After complaining that I couldn’t get into the beta for more than a few seconds, it resolved. The announcement was then made about Dragonflight launching November 28 and I never went back. I got so busy trying to get Synthe-superfived! for making 25 protoform creatures in Zereth Mortis and making as many pets as I could. The grinding caught up to me so it was off to making an Evoker.

I’m having fun with my Evoker, that is if I don’t get tired of dying. I do nothing but soar, soar, soar, glide, glide, glide. SMACK. Oops into the ground once again. This will take some practice.

I’m thinking of making another Evoker. I have so much fun making them I don’t have much time for playing them. I think I’ll go for a green look next time. Or one of each color in both Male and Female! I’ll have to check my space on this server.

Anyway, between making Evokers and Cat fighting the big bads in the Badlands we’re having fun. I am really looking forward to the 28th and no more grinding pet parts for a while!

Just found out only one Evoker per server so Dragonblight here we come!

Okay, okay, sheesh! I’m leaving. I’M LEAVING!

Posted in Dragonflight, General WoW on October 6, 2022 by tomeoftheancient

I’m really glad I had a lot of fun making this guy. Must have taken me an hour or so. But then alas, the fun was over. I got booted right out of the Dragonflight beta. Again and again and again. And again. I was so excited a couple of weeks ago I think the beta showed up on Battle.net. Yay! Finally! Nope.

I have done everything. Reloaded and deleted and everything I could find and nope. I was really upset. I thought, hey maybe if I try something other than an Evoker I might get somewhere.

Didn’t matter. I could login but then I was booted out. It varied between about 5 and 40 seconds. I was sooooo upset but felt better after seeing the launch date was November 28th. I did login after writing this and was able to stay logged in long enough to jump off a ledge and float down. It was something.

I’ll login now and see how far I get today. Oh yeah. Whose got their pre-order in?

Finally, the Mount of Cat’s Dreams

Posted in General WoW on September 21, 2022 by tomeoftheancient

Cats been wanting to get the Astral Cloud Serpent for at least a decade I think. For a while it was just too hard to solo. Finally, finally she was able to one man Mogu’shan Vaults but as the years passed Cat and I were beginning to think it was, sadly just a myth.

When we looted the, um, corpse of Elegon we stood there for the longest time starring at it. Must be a mistake. Must be something else. Must be … yeah we couldn’t believe it and still can’t.

Cat rarely uses flying mounts as flight form is quick and easy but now? She is on that transparent mount ALL the time, showoff!

Unfortunately though this means back to the grind for Genesis Motes for crafting the mounts and pets in Zereth Mortis. Its okay though as when Cat is tired of it Cim and Sasche take over and those Warlocks accumulate them fast. They are so nice to Cat. I don’t know if either of them are into mounts and pets but they help. Whoever said Warlocks aren’t nice guys, sheesh.

Anyway, back to the grind and visits to old content and one day Cat will reach 400 mounts, got my fingers crossed for her!

Over a Year? What?

Posted in General WoW, WoW Mounts, WoW Pets, WoW Reminiscing on August 18, 2022 by tomeoftheancient

I pass by here every once in a while to look up something. I haven’t posted for a while as I thought I was just doing stuff that no one would want to know. Then I realized, hey, I would! This is what I’ve been doing for a year. Above is my Vulpera, a Rogue. I forgot that I forgot how to BE a Rogue. She’s dead most of the time poor thing.

Here’s my Kul Tiran poor girl, I don’t know how to Warrior either but thought I’d try. She’s getting tired of sitting around town.

Then I was SO upset I had to spend some time finding Blanchy so there was that.

I spend most of the year chasing pets or mounts and just goofing off. It was great.

Yeah no. I can’t find him. I can’t figure out who he is. Wow, how things have changed. It’s like I remember when people stopped caring about holidays in Wow. Didn’t pay them any attention. I remember thinking WHAT? I would never do that! Welp, here we are folks, I ignore holidays now.

And here’s my Colossal Wraithbound Mawrat who’s name I actually remember! I like him cause he’s tiny and gets into tight spaces.

Other than that I spend my time going to places that I especially love for the beauty of them and the music and in other cases for the story. Or memories of good times. Or, yes really. I visit NPCs. It’s great when I can go somewhere every week to do a dungeon or raid for a mount and there’s an old friend.

Mogu’shan Vaults for example. I love Lorewalker Cho. Every week I go there for the Reins of the Astral Cloud Serpent I meet up with him and we talk and laugh in between killing stuff. I never get tired of joking him about how it sounds like he’s saying, “these halls have not seen footballs for many years.” I laugh every time. If I ever were to have the mount drop I’d be a little sad. I guess I could still visit though.

Anyway, that’s my story. Looking for mounts and pets and visiting. Not a bad way to spend the last days of an expansion We will see what the next one brings!

My Kingdom for a Um, Horse?

Posted in Final Fantasy, General WoW on August 16, 2021 by tomeoftheancient

I hope Cat’s having a good time with her mount. She spend a lot of time saving up for it. I have not left WoW but I did change from a 6 month subscription to monthly and thought I’d see how things go. I’m afraid they will just do the “let’s just hunker down and see if things calm down and we can ignore it” method of dealing with their internal problems.

What I didn’t see coming is that every time I logged in I sat there staring at the screen either mad or sad. I couldn’t play the game. I think the employees need a union but then I always think that as I worked for one for years and actually, really believed in it.

But back to mounts. I was trying to think of places to go on my WoW vacation and I remembered I had tried Final Fantasy a few years back. Yike! I first registered in 2013, I didn’t think it was THAT far back. All I could remember was I liked it but got tired of getting hopelessly lost all the time.

Yeah, so, things haven’t changed much. I wanted a mount so bad. I read that you got the quest around level 20. Level 20, no quest. Level 21, 22, nope, 23, 24, 25, AAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHH! I consulted the encyclopedia of Google again. Ohhhhhhhh. Don’t ignore your storyline. I think I had a quest for it and it was too high a level for me at the time and I went on my merry way. Forgetting about it. Don’t do that if you want your mount around level 20.

So, ta dah! I am the proud owner of not one but two mounts now! Thanks to Belghast’s Tweet about an in-game event!

I had thought I read you didn’t need to do dungeons in Final Fantasy. Wow, not true if you want to do you story line. Eeeeuuuuuwwww. Not for me. I don’t want ugly spoiling my play. But I wanted to advance my story so I thought I’d give it ONE TRY.

I have now completed 5 dungeons with a group of strangers and the extent of chat uglyness was, gg ty. The only problem at all is that I assumed there was something in those treasure chests to roll on but only the fifth tank waited around long enough for people to click on it. THAT WAS THE ONLY NEGATIVE! Okay, I’m in.

I’m having fun but I’m still lost most of the time. And melding materia??? And even change to amount of things to buy at the market. I think I played WoW so long I didn’t remember having to learn stuff. Never mind, it’s good for me.

I will continue to check in on how things are going at Activision, well, until my husband comes up to see why I’m screaming obscenities.

Well Crap

Posted in General WoW, Shadowlands with tags , on June 29, 2021 by tomeoftheancient

I think I said I wasn’t going to do anymore whining or complaining. Yet here I am about to whine. In all fairness to me I wouldn’t have time to whine if maintenance wasn’t lasting until at least 6:00pm. So yeah, there’s that.

I’m not going to complain about anima. I’m not going to complain about my Hunter wasting so much time on the Kyrian Covenant. I don’t know how long it was but it was a while before I found out to complete Campaign Chapters I’d have to do a dungeon. That’s on me. I should have researched that. What was I thinking, jeeeez.

I’m not going to complain about world quests that are so agonizing I no longer do them.

I’m going to complain about one of my very favorite World Quests. Flight School: Falling With Style. I love that quest. I love falling for 2 minutes and floating over beautiful Bastion, it’s so scenic and peaceful. Until yesterday. WTF. I get shot up about 2 miles as always and I reach the top and start to descend. Wait. What. This can’t beeeeee HELP HELP where are my wings?!

Help! Help! Nothing, nada. All these angelic beings hanging around and not one would help me. I think I heard snickering. The ride down was horrifying. I should have closed my eyes but no, I watched my demise speed towards me with horror. Dead. Dead. Dead. I lost my glasses on the way down too. The whole thing was very suspicious. I think the Kyrian on duty at that temple were bored and joking around at my expense.

I’m still recovering. I think I need a patch to cheer me up.

Don’t Say Anything

Posted in General WoW with tags , on April 26, 2021 by tomeoftheancient

“If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” So yeah. I guess I really took those words to heart. I think the last post was in November. I am not feeling Shadowlands at all. It is, as always, beautiful. But anima? Really? I can’t take it.

I downloaded Blade and Soul to try but haven’t looked at it yet. Cat is at iLevel 201 or something and that is about as high as she can go right now without participating in group content. I REALLY don’t want to do that. I was not confident about my prowess before and now I know I’m a mess. I kept waiting for my computer to die to replace it and it would not die. The guys who made it for me kinda shot themselves in the foot. Being so good.

But when Windows 7 was no longer supported for like a year and still no failure, and I think they made it in 2008, I finally got a new computer. That’s not a problem, the keyboard is the problem. I had a weird Wolf King keyboard that looked like that. Perfect for left handers.

No matter how hard I tried Windows 10 and that ancient keyboard won’t communicate. So my skill using a normal keyboard is zip, zilch and none.

Cat is STILL constantly fighty fighting to no avail and then I realize I’m hitting a heal key instead of scratching his eyes out. I know, pathetic.

Then, because I changed computers and refuse to pay Adobe monthly fees, I feel lost without Photoshop and Illustrator. So I’m trying to learn Affinity and it’s slow as I just want it to work like Photoshop cause I’m lazy and I can’t not have the pictures, just can’t, so there’s that.

So here we are. Cat is of course one with the Night Fae. There she is in her blue kitty form. I tried to make the excitement last about her new form but no. I was totally bummed when I saw how much anima to get all the outfits she wanted and mounts I wanted. Seriously, are they trying to get rid of me?

Cim who’s one with the Necrolords is showing off her Battle-Bound Warhound. The excitement lasted only so far. But when she thought of anima, blarg.

So. you might have guessed what I did. The first image is my Void Elf, Rap, she’s a Rogue. What expansion is nearest to our hearts? Yep, Wrath. I so loved that expac. Yeah, my old computer was new when it came out. It doesn’t seem that long ago. I am having a great time there. Aside from the occasional sniffles when the music and an area trigger memories, this is a fine way to combat anima. Oh yeah, and the horrible Maw.

So ha, ha, Shadowlands. You and the Maw WILL NOT DEFEAT ME! I will be here for the next expac! I will just live somewhere else. Stupidhead anima, jeeeezz.